Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Identity project so far

I've just completed the seventh week of my scheme with fifth and sixth class in Glen NS. We have integrated English, Drama, History and SPHE lessons with a lot of looking and responding and practical work across a range of art strands. The pupils are now well into creating their own books exploring a range of techniques including embroidery, painting and collage. Here's a summary of the first six weeks:

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Storybird - creative art-inspired stories

Thanks to Dazzled and Frazzled for the link to It looks like it would be a great way of integrating art with English or Irish or starting a looking and responding session before creating your own stories in any of the visual arts strands.
Link to the original post below:
Irish Gifted Education Blog: Give Your Kids’ Imagination Wings: " Guest Post by Natalie Butler of GAS Storybird, a free online collaborative storytelling service, is an ideal way for parents, child..."