Monday, November 29, 2010

Creativity in the digital age

I was surprised to receive a new book in the post the other day, I ordered it in August and had forgotten all about it: Creativity and Education Futures: Learning in a Digital Age by Anna Craft (Trentham Books, 2011). It looks at the changing nature of childhood and how education might adapt in response. Do we treat technology as a risk factor for children, or embrace it's empowering possibilities? How do we educate them to deal with the rapid advances and uncertainties of the future?
I have already come across a few of Anna Craft's books on creativity on google books and bought Creative Learning 3-11 and How We Document It (Trentham Books 2008, edited by Anna Craft,Teresa Cremin and Pamela Burnard) earlier. While looking through the new book I noticed an illustration by Andrew Park of Cognitive Media ( who also drew the Ken Robinson RSA animation below. It turned out to be a representation of a talk Anna Craft gave in Galway earlier this year. Cognitve Media documented all of the talks at the CELT (Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching, NUIG) 2010 conference and they can be downloaded here:
You can also watch Anna Craft's keynote address, which is a summary of the book, in full here:

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